© Allie Brosh 1. Hyperbole and a Half. http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/ So glad I discovered this gem created by Allie Brosh. I’ve been reading through all the posts after finding out about her blog from the NYTimes. It’s very different but brings me back to the days I used to read Calvin & Hobbes. One of my […]
So I sold my beloved Canon 50 1.4mm lens for this sweet new lens, the 50 1.2mm. No regrets. The photos are incredibly crisp, have great contrast and color, and I feel much more comfortable shooting at wider apertures than I did with the 50 1.4 The 50mm remains my favorite focal length and […]
I think having good photographing equipment enables you to get better quality images, but obviously nothing replaces your eye and the way you see. For anyone who is curious, this is my current lineup of equipment: 1. Canon 5D Mark II This camera is a workhorse. It’s full frame, 21mp and the ISO goes up […]