Couple Photo Shoot in South Beach

Couple Photo Shoot in South Beach

Couple Photo Shoot in South Beach

Couple Photo Shoot in South Beach
Couple Photo Shoot in South Beach
Couple Photo Shoot in South Beach
Couple Photo Shoot in South Beach
Couple Photo Shoot in South Beach
Couple Photo Shoot in South Beach
Couple Photo Shoot in South Beach

Couple Photo Shoot in South Beach

A sweet, loving couple + a gorgeous Miami sunrise equals a magical morning with these two. We met up at one of my favorite spots, South Pointe Park. It was quiet and peaceful and calm. Everyone in South Beach except for the morning exercisers, seem to still be asleep before noon. I may not be a morning person, but as a photographer the adrenaline starts going when I pick up the camera. And then the sun rises and it makes the lack of sleep all worth it.

So you want to book a photo shoot in Miami? Check out some location recommendations. Or suggest a spot of your own! Take a look at all of the South Pointe Park photo sessions and sunrise photo shoots.

Contact me here to a book a session or email or

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