Family Photography in Miami Beach

Family Photography in Miami Beach Family playing around Miami Beach Piggy back ride Miami Couple miami beach family fun Miami Family portrait miami Family laughing on beach Sibling photo Miami Family Photography in Miami Beach Couple photo miami Couple photo miami couple photo Miami boy portrait MIami boy portrait miami Brothers Miami photo shoot Family Photography in Miami Beach

Family Photography in Miami Beach

You know how it can take time to get comfortable and feel at ease with strangers you’ve just met? Sometimes a photo session can start off a bit like that… and then after a short while the fun starts to happen. I like to start with the formal, more traditional photos that’s always nice to have. Then as time goes on, kids and adults feel more comfortable being themselves in front of the camera and things can get exciting and sometimes even a little chaotic ๐Ÿ˜‰

After we took some group photos in the greenery we walked to the beach. The boys were hoisted onto the backs of their uncle and his partner where they finally had some real smiles and laughs. The parting jumping shot was so perfectly synchronized that no do-over was needed ๐Ÿ™‚ I love that the session ended on a high note with everyone energized and in a great mood after spending quality time with their loved ones.

For family photographyย in Miami Beach, I recommend taking a look at these locations for a photo shoot. Or, send me your own ideas! If you have young kids, it’s always best to schedule it around when they’re happiest – after napping, eating, etc. It’s also handy to have drinks and snacks on hand for them. The best parting advice I can offer is to be super loving, affectionate and energetic at the photo session. The moments that are most cherished are ones that highlight the relationships we have with our loved ones.

This session took place in South Pointe Park in Miami Beach.

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