Miami Children Photographer at Miami Beach Botanical Gardens, Florida

Miami Children Photographer at Miami Beach Botanical Gardens

miami-children-photographer sister hugging miami miami-children-photographer child portrait miami miami children photographer child portrait child portrait sisters holding hands girl looking at camera miami children photographer child pose

It was a beautiful morning at the Miami Beach Botanical Gardens, albeit hot and humid. It’s a quaint little oasis in Miami Beach that I adore. Somehow kids always manage to have fun no matter where they are; they loved running over the little red bridge and looking for fish in the pond. My favorite moments are when kids look you straight in your eye – it’s this powerful, fleeting connection.

If you are looking to book a Miami children photographer, here are my top 5 tips to prepare for a family session with young children:

  1. Schedule the session around your child.

When is your child most rested and in their best mood? Often times it’s in the morning after they’ve eaten breakfast. Definitely do not schedule the session when it’s close to nap time or at the end of the day when they may be tired and hungry.

2. Being drinks and snacks.

It can get extremely hot and humid in Miami. It is so important to have drinks and snacks on hand in case they get thirsty or hungry. Well-fed children contributes to happier children 🙂

3. Bring a change of clothing.

It never hurts – maybe something spills on them on the drive to the session, or their clothes become drenched from running into the water! It never hurts to have a change of clothes.

4. Bring a blanket for kids who are not walking yet.

It’s always nice to have a favorite blanket that you can place your child on for some sitting or crawling poses.

5. Have fun!

I know planning a photo session can be stressful – thinking of what to wear, deciding on a location and freeing up time in your schedule – but the most important important thing is to have fun with your kids at the session! This means plenty of hugs, cuddles, kisses, running, jumping, laughing, etc. I give plenty of direction but if you have something specific in mind, let me know too!

Here are a few more tips on preparing for a child photography session.

Miami Children Photographer, © Tova Photography 2016

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